Baby Love High Chair

60.00 $

SKU: 8000000089335 Categories: ,

2 in stock


With a sturdy construction and secure harness system, the Baby High Chair ensures your little one stays safe and supported during mealtime. Its stable design provides peace of mind, allowing you to focus on enjoying quality time with your baby.
Say goodbye to fussy eaters! This Baby High Chair features plush padding and an ergonomic design to keep your baby comfortable throughout mealtime. Adjustable settings accommodate your baby’s growing needs, ensuring they have a cozy and supportive seat at the table.
From early infancy to toddlerhood, the Baby High Chair grows with your child. Adjustable height and recline positions allow you to customize the chair to your baby’s needs, ensuring they’re comfortable and supported as they transition from purees to solids.

Size: 70x100cm

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Baby Love